International students might get an academic leave for 2 years maximum in the following cases:
- Family reasons.
- Health state.
- Pregnancy and giving birth.
To get an academic leave an international student has to present the application and support documents (if necessary) at the Study Office.
After getting the academic leave an international student is to file for the transit visa (for visa-required countries) passport and visa support unit and then leave the territory of the Russian Federation in the course of 14 days since the day the academic leave was granted.
Academic leave might be granted unlimited number of times.
Academic leave termination
For resuming the studies after the academic leave is over international students should get the application signed at the Study Office.
Remember to carry out the migration registration procedures after entering the Russian Federation.
Border control
Upon arrival in Russia, all foreign citizens undergo a border control procedure. To pass the border control, you need to present the following documents:
- passport;
- visa (for foreign citizens with a visa regime of stay);
- migration card (provided free of charge at the border when entering the Russian Federation).
Migration card
A migration card is issued to all foreign citizens (with the exception of citizens of the Republic of Belarus) upon entry into Russia and confirms the legality of their stay in the country.
Upon arrival on the territory of the Russian Federation by air, a migration card is issued at the airport, at the checkpoint across the state border.
Upon arrival on the territory of the Russian Federation by land transport, a foreign citizen independently fills out a migration card - enters personal data, dates and purposes of stay in Russia and other necessary information - and provides a migration card to a border guard officer at a ground checkpoint across the state border.
If a foreign citizen does not speak Russian, it is allowed to fill in the migration card with letters of the Latin alphabet in accordance with the data specified in the passport. The completed form is presented together with other documents at the border control.
Without leaving the checkpoint across the state border, carefully check the correctness of the entered data, including the indication of the correct purpose of the visit «Study»! To check the migration card, use the memo.
Migration registration
Every foreign student entering the territory of Russia must register for migration at the address of the actual stay and receive a notification of arrival. The arrival notification is a document confirming your legal presence in Russia.
We strongly recommend submitting documents for migration registration on the next working day after arrival. The procedure for receiving a notification of arrival may vary depending on your place of residence.
If you live in rooms for accommodation at the Academy - contact the coordinator by phone +78482-60-74-30,;
If you live in a rented apartment, contact the landlord and register for migration registration with the territorial authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on migration issues, at the address: Togliatti, Tupikovy proezd, building 4;
If you live in a hotel, the migration registration will be issued by the hotel administrator.
The service is provided free of charge!
Foreign students (with the exception of citizens of the Republic of Belarus and citizens with a temporary staying permit or a residence permit) who have arrived in the Russian Federation for a period of more than 90 days must undergo mandatory state fingerprint registration, photographing and medical examination.
Extension of migration registration
It is necessary to submit documents for the extension of migration registration no earlier than 3 months and no later than 25 days before the expiration of the primary migration registration.
Migration registration is extended for no more than one calendar year. Further, migration registration must be extended additionally every year until the end of training.
The procedure for extending migration registration depends on your place of residence/staying.
NOTE! It is necessary to register for migration registration after each arrival in Russia and change of the place of actual staying.
During trips to Russian cities, it is also necessary to register migration notification at the place of temporary staying in another city, and after returning to register migration notification at the permanent place of residence in Togliatti.
Before arriving in Russia, purchase a medical insurance policy, which includes a medical examination and a test for COVID-19 by PCR. After purchasing a VMI policy, you must send a scanned copy to
Not earlier than 2 calendar days (48 hours) before arrival in Russia, take a test for COVID-19 by PCR to present the results when crossing the border of Russia.
Please also note that citizens of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, as well as foreign citizens entering Russia from the territory of these states, must install the mobile application "Traveling without COVID-19" (Google Play; App Store) and upload the results to it PCR test performed no earlier than 2 days (48 hours) in advance before arriving in Russia (with the exception of foreign citizens traveling through the territories of these states in transit or with a short stop).
If you were vaccinated against Covid-19 in your country, or were ill less than six months ago, or have an official medical discharge, we ask you to inform the Academy about your status.