The RF educational system combines high-quality education and research: up-to-date laboratories and research schools, providing wards with the necessary resources for high-quality academic education and professional activities.
For foreign students, education in Russia is a good example of the optimal combination of price and quality, and TAoM graduates are appreciated all over the world. The most popular in the country are specialties in the field of IT-technologies, management, economics and design.
Education in TAoM is the first step towards a promising future: in view of the high need for highly qualified specialists, the educational sector in the country is constantly evolving, in line with international standards. TAoM offer studying in the following qualifications — depending on the starting education, a foreign student can apply for an appropriate degree:
Bachelor — 4 years
Master — 2 years
Ph.D — up to 3 years
The main advantages of studying, which annually encourage foreign students to come to Togliatti, Samara region:
- - TAoM is famous for its highly qualified teaching staff;
- - TAoM has high competition in the international educational market due to the developed unique practical methods and development activities, that allows students to get a powerful academic base;
- - TAoM buildings are located in ecological zone and the well-developed infrastructure — cafe, library, sport facilities, lounges - makes the learning process most comfortable for international students.
One of the factors hindering the development of educational export of the Russian Federation: the RF legislation allows foreign students to work in their universities.
NOTE! Since 2020, according to the new law, the work is possible also outside the university in any organization only by proving the fact of study on the educational program in Russia.